Jak funguje mozek? Jak to, že máme vzpomínky, co se děje, když spíme? Základní otázky a srozumitelné odpovědi.
An entertaining and thought-provoking guide to what laws are, who makes them, and how people enforce them. It covers crime and punishment as well as social and citizenship...
V čem se lidé liší? Věk, velikost, pohlaví, kultura....A co je naopak spojuje? Respekt jeden k druhému, vzájemná úcta a láska.
Celebrate world dress with this beautifully illustrated compendium of clothing. From colorful kimonos to dazzling flamenco dresses, this book takes you on a journey through the...
The natural world wakes from the long winter's sleep. Buds, blossoms and butterflies appear, marking the arrival of the season of rebirth. This book takes a closer look at...