I really want the cake

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Všichni známe ten pocit - pokušení. Naše hrdinka má od maminky zakázáno sníst dort. Jak je ale těžké odolat. Zkusí vše možné, ale nezvládne to. Pak si uvědomí, co provedla a zkusí to napravit.

Krásná a jednoduchá rýmovaná pohádka, která pomůže pracovat s pokušením porušit pravidla


Everyone knows the feeling.First you smell it, then you see it...CAKE!It's on the table standing there, you cannot help but stop and stare.The icing looks like such a treat, it smells so chocolatey and sweet!And before long...YOU REALLY WANT THE CAKE.This deliciously funny story chronicles the battle of one little girl who tries, with all her might, to resist her greatest temptation: cake. Readers join our spunky, mischievous, and charming heroine and her devoted side-kick pup as the temptation mounts, and a little lick becomes a bite. With bouncing rhyming text from Simon Philip and bold, expressive illustrations from Lucia Gaggiotti, this story playfully tackles all-important themes of impulse control, truth-telling, and making amends (or at least trying to), with humor, authenticity, and heart. Including a recipe at the end of the story, I Really Want the Cake offers readers a universally relatable and tasty tale.

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

Print length: 40 pages

Age: 3 - 5

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: PODLE VĚKU
Věk: 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+
Typ knihy: Pohádky a příběhy, Naše emoce
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