Pandas (Level 3)

Kód: 3903
199 Kč
3012 pandas level 3
199 Kč 145 Kč
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The whole world loves panda bears. Everyone loves to watch them play, climb, cuddle, and chew.

Detailní informace

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The whole world loves panda bears. Everyone loves to watch them play, climb, cuddle, and chew. But careful, they can scratch too-just look at that tree! Pandas live in wild places very far away, and they are the STAR ATTRACTIONS of every zoo that keeps them safe and well, all over the world.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: PODLE VĚKU
Věk: 5+, 6+, 7+
Typ knihy: Objevujeme svět, National Geographic
? Level angličtiny: 3
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