Think Green Activity Book

Kód: 8164
Značka: Usborne
216 Kč
Skladem (1 ks)

 Jak pomoc planetě? Zábavné aktivity, které dětem pomohou pochopit, jak pomoci planetě. Objevíte energetické upíry, způsob, jakým rostliny a půda zachycují oxid uhličitý. Navrhnete design vlastního "super green" vozidla

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Jak pomoc planetě? Zábavné aktivity, které dětem pomohou pochopit, jak pomoci planetě. Objevíte energetické upíry, způsob, jakým rostliny a půda zachycují oxid uhličitý. Navrhnete design vlastního "super green" vozidla


The activities, puzzles and experiments in this book will show children how people can help the planet. Follow pigeons as they measure air pollution over London. Investigate how far the food in your cupboards actually travels. Look out for wildlife and count all the pollinators that live near you. Come up with a design for your own super green vehicle. Imagine what it would be like if you worked as a marine biologist on a coral reef. Hunt out any energy vampires lurking in your home. And discover the amazing way that plants and soil trap carbon.

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